Music Choice #1
Numb Little Bug by Em Beihold. You have probably heard this on the radio if you listened a lot. In the last week, I have listened to it 80 times.
Music Choice Number 2
I dare you: change up your habits with this one. With a super funny lyric video Jessia's I'm Not Pretty seriously does not give you the vibes it's supposed to. Official Lyric Video
Music Choice Number 3
"Be careful what you wish for" is literally a lyric in this one. Space by Leah Kate I a dance pop track with a futuristic lyric video.
Music Choice #4-6
- Obsessed by Olivia Rodrigo. I love this "new" one from her. It's been around for a while but I just got to it when she released GUTS(spilled).
- Detached by Lyn Lapid. A friend recommended this one (thank you so much!).
- Strut by Emeline- I love her. She also wrote Cinderella's Dead and her all-new song: Iconique.

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